Columbus Boudoir Photographer

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"It's an exercise in self love and care"- in Miss A's words | Columbus Ohio Boudoir

What motivated you to do a session? A session seemed like fun. I'd had my eye on a boudoir shoot for a long time. I am lucky enough to have a wife that adores my body, so I figured it was time to step out of my comfort zone.

Are these photos for you, or a gift for someone? They were intended as a wedding gift- she still got them, but I found it to be just as much a gift to myself.

Before your session, what were you most nervous about? Posing, nudity, being awkward...pretty much everything!

What was your favorite part of the experience? Feeling unstoppable after I left! Also, Kristin was lovely from beginning to end. It was a delight chatting with her between poses.

Where did you shop for your outfits? As a fat girl, I found some cute things at Lane Bryant and Premme (a new fashion line for bigger bodies).

After the shoot how did you feel? Invincible.

What was your initial reaction to your images? I was much kinder to myself than I expected to be. I don't have a conventionally attractive body, so I expected to be put off or embarrassed. I felt that my body was honored and seen as beautiful and deserving of acceptance.

Did anything change about how you see yourself? Yes! I am kinder to myself most days. I believe I'm more deserving of pleasure. I am more likely to take up the space I need in the moment.

Now that you've had your session what would you go back and tell yourself to calm your nerves, inspire or empower yourself? Honestly- nothing. I was nervous but prepared to be brave.

Any advice for someone who might be considering a shoot? It's an exercise in self love and care. Walk in knowing that no matter what you look like or how you feel, your body is valid and will be treated as such. Step into every bit of power and let it carry you. You got this!